Office of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Budget

Constitution of Organization of the Families of Asia and the Pacific


Title of Organization

1. Title

This is an organization for the promotion of families in Asia and the Pacific, entitled Organization of the Families of Asia and the Pacific.

2. Acronym

The acronym of Organization of the Families of Asia and the Pacific is OFAP.

3. Geographical Ambit

The geographical ambit of OFAP is necessarily regional, including countries, districts and territories in the Asia and Pacific region, where within this geographical ambit, OFAP does not rule out the acceptance of other organizations wishing to join it.


Nature and Purpose

4. Status

OFAP is a non-profit-making, international affairs organization responsible for assisting families in the Asia and the Pacific Region, as well as families elsewhere.

5. Objects

The objects of OFAP are to represent families in the Asia-Pacific region at different levels, to defend and to fight for their interests, and to liaise with governments and international communities. At the United Nations (UN) and in the consultation process, OFAP becomes the will of families and the liaison between the UN and its designated agencies in achieving UN strategies and activities.

6. Functions

To achieve its objects, OFAP shoulders, on affairs related to families, the responsibilities of promotion, coordination and representation on all fronts. It also shoulders the development and support of OFAP programmes, including allocations to meet financial and other needs.

7. Activities

To further fulfil its functions, OFAP seeks for better collaboration and development with organizations sharing common interests, such as the UN and its agencies. Moreover, it encourages the establishment of a documentation centre or a national administrative advisory centre to help promote family ideals, and to solicit and make good use of funding for needy families in poverty and in oppression. In general term, OFAP strives to achieve its objects.


Organizational Structure

8. Membership

8.1 Admission to OFAP is open to all individuals and public or private entities, whose objects ought to be consistent with those of OFAP, subject to approval by the Executive Committee. Organizations with specific intent of joining but beyond the geographical region will not be barred from admission.

8.2 Members shall observe in-house rules and regulations which must be passed by the General Meeting. The General Meeting is composed of the following bodies:
a) private institutes;
b) public departments; and
c) academic institutes.

8.3 In case any member fails to meet their obligations or commits a fraud, the Executive Committee shall have the right to impose a penalty on them, including
a) suspension of their voting right;
b) suspension of their eligibility;
c) suspension of their non-essential duty or duties; and
d) expulsion.

8.4 Any member mentioned in the preceding paragraph when observing the in-house rules and regulations may be re-admitted after approval by the General Meeting.

8.5 Any institution publicly recognized by the international community as possessing professional qualifications in dealing with family issues may be appointed as “consultant” after approval by the Executive Meeting. Any philanthropist in strong support of OFAP may become a ‘charitable member’ with membership-fee waived but without voting right.

8.6 The founding members of OFAP are as follows:
José Augusto Perestrello de Alarcão Troni – President Emeritus of the Asia-Pacific Region of the World Family Organization
Nuno Maria Roque Jorge - President of the Asia-Pacific Region of the World Family Organization
Luís Ressano Garcia Lamas - Secretary General of the Asia-Pacific Region of the World Family Organization
and other institutes attending the first General Meeting.

9. General Meeting

9.1 The General Meeting is the organ of supreme power of OFAP, comprising every member or in their absence, the proxy appointed by them. A member may appoint a proxy by a simple written statement and a proxy may concurrently represent a maximum of five members.

9.2 The General Meeting shall elect the President, five Vice-Presidents at maximum and a Secretary, all for a term of two years, and shall also elect members of the Executive Committee (except the Secretary General or the Treasurer or both, if to be employed on remuneration) and members of the Supervisory Board, all similarly for a term of two years.

9.3 The General Meeting shall be convened biennially. When necessary, an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be held as the President may determine, or at the request of the President of the Executive Committee or at the request of one-tenth of membership. The quorum of the first EGM is one-third of the membership with voting right while the second EGM is subjected to no quorum.

10. Board of Director

10.1 The Board of Director of OFAP is designed as the Executive Committee, and comprises a President who represents OFAP, five Vice-Presidents and a maximum of three directorate members, a Secretary General and a Treasurer, where the total number shall be an odd number, except when the Secretary General and the Treasurer are employed on remuneration, in which case, they shall give up their right to vote and their salaries to be determined by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Meeting.

10.2 The Executive Committee shall convene executive meeting once annually and the President may decide to call an EGM in the light of special circumstances. The President may discuss and settle all affairs with other members during recess.

10.3 Any vacancy in the Executive Committee may be filled by a representative appointed by the President, after consultation with other members, for the remainder of the respective term.

11. Supervisory Board

11.1 The Supervisory Board consists of a President, a Vice-President and a related Secretary.

11.2 The Executive Committee may propose to the General Meeting the appointment of an auditor to perform the functions of the Supervisory Board.



12. Dissolution

OFAP may be dissolved after such a proposal has been put up by the Executive Committee, discussed by the EGM and passed by the legitimate members.

Issued on 7 December 1999 in Macao